Short Story


It was a gloomy night  and my Sonam's jaw dropped down and  she could not believe  what she saw .I know you all are con fuse and excited to know what actually happened,  lied me start from beginning. It was  very dark, when I wake up and rushed  towards the toilet  then I dont remember what happened nest. When I heard the water dripping and people making noise, that when I opened my eyes, I saw many people around me and I found myself lying on the hospital bed. I think i fainted and the teachers brought me here. I was not well that time. I was amazed and shocked when i realized that two months has passed without my notice, I really cant believe I was lying in the bed for  two whole month.

iIasked teachers about my exams. as long as I remember I was done with only two exam papers. then I asked "did I do my exam well?  why dont I remember anything, what happened to me//" no one was answering me rather they were staring at me. like I am an alien. THE Two  police told me, i attamed suicide. I had so many questions running through my mind and I  don't know  whom to ask about  what actually happened. on that  the police man was giving me headache. finally I got my prince charming who came to save  me from the  two  monster  with report and chased them away, stating that I am not in the position  to remember  the past. that is a big lie I shared with you, he did save me but ha is not my destiny.

I latter came to know  who save me  and how they found me. but my teacher kept it secret that  I am  alive and they told my  friends that I left the world forever.  some how I got discharge  from hospital and unrolled to a new was very hard  for  me to agist  in the new school where I dont know anyone and I am not suppose to meet my  lovely  friend or have any contrate  with them  because for them I  am no more in the world. it was very hard for me and I could feel that i have lost my confided, to make things worst, my performance at school were getting poor as days passed.

later that my old friends from previous school knew that they had cried their heart out

without any reasons. I shared everything that happened to me after I left the world for them. they asked me, what happened that night. I told them that " I just remember going to toilet, however I dont remember going to the forest but I dont know how you all found me at the forest hanging on the tree" that what they told me.  Did someone took me here or what?? this question is still 
yet to be answered.


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